
Ask pastor john trinity
Ask pastor john trinity

ask pastor john trinity ask pastor john trinity

But the Holy Inquisition against Depraved Heresy throughout the empire had already been established by the pope in the 1200’s.

ask pastor john trinity

The Spanish Inquisition began in 1478, just a few years before Martin Luther’s birth. He is gathering His scattered sheep still. The Good Shepherd gathered His scattered sheep. Could it be that 1500 years later Christ’s Church would be hurting terribly, growing faint from spiritual malnutrition, failing to be comforted, driven from God’s green pastures? The sheep cried, “Good Shepherd, hear us.” And the Lord heard the church’s cry. Jesus sent His Apostles, and gave gifts to men by which He built His Church. Now because He stands at the right hand of the Father-as His Church struggles on earth-we can stand. And in the resurrection from the dead which we celebrate, Jesus took His stand once more upon the earth. As the Good Shepherd, Jesus said “Here I Stand” (bearing all man’s sin) as He took His place between His sheep and the wrath of God against all ungodliness of men. Jesus TOOK HIS STAND UPON THE EARTH-against the assaults of the devil and the world He took His stand before the church in the person of the high priest and before the state in Pilate and Herod. But the Son of God had come in the flesh. The Lord’s sheep were once more being scattered, as they had in the days before Ezekiel. In the name of + Jesus the Good Shepherd. 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s “Here I Stand” Moment in Worms, Germany

Ask pastor john trinity