Michael a relationship expert as well! In this interview, he gave tons of valuable advice in finding and maintaining healthy and lasting relationships, which I’m excited to share with you! Focus On Progression, Not Perfection In addition to being a spiritual leader, I would consider Pr. He and his wife, Natalie, live in Tulsa with three beautiful children - Isabella, Michael Jr., and Ava Todd. The congregation is able to gather over 5,000 people in physical attendance and over 20,000 people online every week. Michael is also a highly sought-after speaker and leader who has ministered and spoken in many local and international churches and events, while leading Transformation Church. You can pick up a copy of his debut book Relationship Goals here. Michael knew that this wasn’t just a sermon but was a necessary lesson which the world needed to hear.
With the popularity of the series for over two years and gaining over six million views, Pr. In 2016, because of their obedience and the viral impact of the sermon series “ Relationship Goals ,” they gained influence and the ability to reach millions of people all over the world. Their mission is to place Christ in the center of culture to impact their community, city, and world with the gospel presented in a relevant and progressive way. Their philosophy and driving passion is representing God to the lost and found for transformation in Christ. They were entrusted with the church by its founding Pastor, Gary McIntosh. Since February 2015, Pastor Michael along with his wife Natalie have been the Lead Pastors of Transformation Church based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. So if you’re ready to master relationships, marriage, and sex, then let’s get started! Who Is Pastor Michael Todd? Lastly, Pastor Michael reminds us of the real significance of sacrifices to have the healthy and loving relationships we’ve all been craving for. We also discuss how important it is to have transparency, common faith goals, and fun in relationships. In this episode, Pastor Michael and I dive deep into how we can improve our relationships and be better partners. I’m thrilled to welcome Pastor Michael Todd onto The School of Greatness ! Today, I have a guest who is sure to inspire you that this is all possible. We can find trust and stability in a world that’s always changing. We can have healthy, lifelong relationships. Many people go throughout their lives held back - but this doesn’t have to be you.

If you find yourself in either one (or all) of these camps, you’re not alone! Each day, we all struggle with different things that can hold us back from greatness and healthy relationships. You desperately need something to place your trust in so that you can move forward confidently. You’re unsure of what your purpose is, and you struggle with feeling anxious about all the possible bad things that could happen to you. Or maybe it’s not your present, but your future. Maybe it’s not your past, but your present - are you in an unhealthy relationship where your partner is tearing you down instead of building you up? You want to improve, grow, and cultivate a healthy relationship, but your partner doesn’t seem to be operating on the same frequency as you. Pastor Mike Todd has an estimated net worth of $5 million.Is your past holding you back? Do you find it difficult to move forward in your life because you’re constantly reliving your memories?

Michael Todd and his wife, Natalie Todd Michael Todd and his wife, Natalie Todd Michael Todd and his wife, Natalie Todd He is married to Natalie Todd who is also the Co-Lead pastor of Transformation Church.